Welcome to Side Street!

Hi everyone!
I've dedicated this little corner of the web to Side Street, or as some of you may know as "The Coffee Shop". Under each tab you'll find all the hard work and research that I poured into this project, with links to hidden gems along Maine's coast and organizations for those who are in need of guidance and don't quite know where to get it. I update the pages frequently, so check back often! Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, March 5, 2012


I know that I haven't posted the continuation of Caleb and Peyton's story for many months, and for that I apologize. To be frank, these past few months I've been a bit at a loss on how to conclude their narrative, as inspiration comes in bits and spurts. (My nonhuman story flows with relative ease in comparison!) I've rewritten the final three chapters so many times over that I've lost count. Nothing seems to fit and I've begun to realize on this journey of mine that forcing chapters is the equivalent of crummy chapters, something that I can't bring myself to post. I have in the past and I cringe every time I look over those submissions. I simply can't let this happen to Caleb and Peyton.

Until inspiration has struck, "The Coffee Shop" will be on hold indefinitely. As much as it pains me to write those words, it has to be done. I can't keep putting it off any longer and my promises of "a TCS chapter next!" or "Return to Peyton and Caleb...after this!" just ring hollow now.

I apologize for the wait, I really do. But would you readers ever forgive me if I wrote a fluffy, happy ending with strings still loose, just to have a submission in place? No, I think not.

So give me time, I beg you. Much needed time, in fact, so I can properly plan this out and have a conclusion worth the wait.

Once again, I apologize for the delay, but I beg of you -- remain vigilant. I have little intention of quitting my tale, so never give up hope on that front. And as always, I will post teasers and announcements here, on this blog, as well as my other blog and on Twitter.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Welcome to Side Street!

Recent Updates:
12/25/2011--"TEASERS" page moved to "HOME" page.

This is where the latest teasers of the story "The Coffee Shop" will be placed.

Previous teasers:
The Coffee Shop Ch 04
The Coffee Shop Ch 05
The Coffee Shop Ch 06
The Coffee Shop Ch 07
The Coffee Shop Ch 08

The Coffee Shop Chapter Nine teaser -- coming soon!!